Love is not a fight

(Warren Barfield)

Christian music





MI- RE DO SOL Love is not a place MI- RE DO SOL To come and go-oh as we please MI- RE DO SOL It's a house we answer in RE DO SOL RE Then commit to never leave MI- RE DO SOL So lock the door behind you MI- RE DO SOL Throw away the key MI- RE DO SOL RE We'll work it out together DO SOL RE Let it bring us to our knees DO SOL MI- RE Love is a shelter in a raging storm DO SOL MI- RE Love is peace in the middle of a war DO SOL And if we try to leave, may God MI- RE send angels to guard the door DO SOL No, love is not a fight DO RE MI- but it's something worth fighting for RE DO SOL MI- RE DO SOL To come, love is a word That they can fall into But when they're falling out Keeping that word is hard to do DO SOL MI- RE Love is a shelter in a raging storm... Love will come to save us If we'll only call He will ask nothing from us But demand we give our all DO SOL MI- RE Love is a shelter in a raging storm... MI- RE DO SOL I will fight for you MI- RE DO SOL Would you fight for me? MI- RE DO SOL It's worth fighting for